
Upon launching Gotham, you arrive at the Homepage. From here, you can navigate to any other part of the platform.

We will examine each element of the Homepage in more detail below.

In the top left hand corner of the platform is the navigation bar. This contains links to Gotham's other features, including the Market and Bounties.

Marketplace: In this section, you will be able to see all the information that is available for sale.

Bounties: In this section, you will be able to see all the information that has a reward for finding it.

Moving to the top right hand corner of the platform:

Menu: Through a dropdown menu, you will be able to access both your profile and the creation menu.

Connect Wallet: It allows you to connect and disconnect your wallet.

Don't have an invite?

In the button indicated in the photo, you have a direct link to our social media where you can get an invitation.

Get Started

Get Started: This button will redirect you to the respective marketplace.

Last updated