Welcome to Gotham Harbor

We bring an On-chain Intelligence Exchange correlated to user requirements.

Nowadays, on-chain tracking is a sector within cryptocurrencies that is growing day by day in terms of users. It encompasses various aspects of the sector, ranging from tracking thefts and frauds through the blockchain to monitoring traders in order to replicate their operations.

On-chain information is not easy to obtain and goes hand in hand with many hours and hard work, so it should be respected and valued.

Reasons for creating an alternative to Arkham Intelligence

We believe that Arkham Exchange does not value or respect buyers and sellers of information, let alone the information that is stored and traded on its platform.

  1. Public exposure of traded information after 90 days. As openly stated in Arkham's whitepaper, they intend to make all acquired information public after 90 days. We believe that making everything you purchase public after 90 days is a lack of respect towards everyone who pays for information. In Gotham Arkham, all information will remain strictly between the buyer and the seller.

  2. Mandatory use of their token for platform usage. Arkham seeks the integration of its token in every possible aspect of its platform, with functionalities such as staking to gain advantages. This is a strategy to maximize the value of their token and discourage people from selling. However, the reality is that while customers are forced to hold their token, both the team and investors will sell their tokens, causing customers to lose money. Gotham Harbor will always work with ETH as its only currency.

  3. Staking Arkham token to get a discount will dilute everyone

    Arkham offers discounts to its customers on its Exchange through token staking for periods of 30, 60, and 90 days. These discounts can reach up to 60%. However, this discount is artificially inflated because in the information exchange, just because one customer receives a discount, it does not mean the other will lose money. The difference is covered by Arkham by printing new tokens, which will ultimately dilute the stakeholder's holdings.

  4. Respect for user information.

    Arkham boasts of having over 350 million tags and 200,000 entities in its possession, which have been collected by users using their platform. The use of their users' work for personal benefit demonstrates the intentions of the team. At Gotham Harbor, user-provided information will never be used.

  5. Training of an AI.

    The entire business model of Arkham revolves around an AI that will end up doxing everyone who allows it. It is in our hands to stop it or continue supporting a platform that will ultimately attack your privacy.

  6. Negligence in the handling of sensitive user data. Arkham is a company that deals with very sensitive information and has shown complete incompetence by confusing encoding with encryption, resulting in doxing many of its users. You can still check it on their official Twitter. https://platform.arkhamintelligence.com/waitlist?referrer=c29jaWFsQGFya2hhbWludGVsbGlnZW5jZS5jb20


The project has been launched with only 5 days of development. We know our product is not as good as the one that Arkham offers, yet. Nonetheless we're working on it every single day to better the platform and always keeping the users' privacy as the main priority.

Last updated